
Ashley and James – Film

Vineyards in Santa Ynez Valley and across the Central Coast are some of my very favorite wedding venues. The wedding “film” you see below was from earlier this summer at Coquelicot vineyard in Solvang. Ashley and James’ are a remarkable couple who had an absolute blast at their wedding. The images shown here are from a roll of film shot as the sun was setting behind the big oak tree at Coquelicot Vineyards. Film is sometimes mysterious and fun to play with as the texture and colors can’t be digitally reproduced. And every now and then the film doesn’t quite roll right and you get some fun split frames and craziness on the negative (see below).

Be sure to check out all of Ashley and James’ digitally taken wedding pictures and video: HERE.

Camera: Mamiya 645AF, 80 2.8 Lens, Fuji 400H Film. More: HERE.

San Luis Obispo Wedding Photography

san luis obispo wedding photography

san luis obispo wedding photography coquelicot vineyard weddings

san luis obispo wedding photography

san luis obispo wedding photography

san luis obispo wedding photography coquelicot vineyard weddings

san luis obispo wedding photography

san luis obispo wedding photography coquelicot vineyard weddings

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