
I condone 3 year old pants free baking sessions.

I have a 3 year old, which means I’m the guy that gets to snag the shopping cart with the yellow and red race car mounted on the front. There is a lot of anticipation when going to the grocery store with talk ranging from whether PJ’s car is there or if some other scoundrel with a six year old (gasp!) got it before us. From the bike rack (where we lock up the bike and trailer) PJ scans the cart storage area in anticipation for the chance to drive NASCAR style through the rows of wheat free, gluten filled spicy apple sauce and dishwasher detergent at speeds far exceeding what is considered safe (according to Michelle and the glaring clerks). Today, we were lucky to find PJ’s car free for a race. As we rolled up, PJ jumped out straight from the bike trailer and into his Lightning McQueen.

So, Michelle and the store clerks were right. We shouldn’t have been racing full speed through the fresh produce. As it turns out, blueberries can’t take as much of a hit as you might think…hence our purchase of more blueberries than we really need. And to remedy the situation, a bit of baking took place after a post race nap.

I’m off to Southern California for a couple of weddings this weekend. I sure do enjoy the afternoons off I get to spend with this little guy.

All of these pictures were taken with the little Fuji X100. A fun little camera


san luis obispo weddings

san luis obispo wedding

san luis obispo wedding

san luis obispo weddings

san luis obispo weddings

san luis obispo weddings

san luis obispo weddings

San Luis Obispo Weddings