
Ashley and Jordan – Engagement

You wouldn’t know it from the pictures, but it was a freezing cold last Sunday when Ashley, Jordan and I headed out (OK, ok I DO understand that central coast cold isn’t really the same thing when compared to many parts of the world but, for those of us that live here and are acclimated to the modest temperatures….it seemed over the top freezing!). We started off downtown and then headed over to the train station. I noticed the tagging on the cars and thought it looked good in contrast to Jordan’s ink. These two were a lot of fun to goof off with and the pictures turned out fantastic! Thanks you two for a terrific evening.

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast wedding photographers

central coast wedding photos

central coast wedding photography

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast weddings

central coast wedding photography

central coast wedding photography

central coast wedding photography

central coast wedding photography

central coast wedding photographers

Central Coast Weddings